Clark Creative is a design business that gets business. Let us show you how we can get your business moving again.

Is your store closed or do you have less visitors because of mandated social distancing?
Just because your brick and mortar store is closed, you don’t have to let your inventory sit. Or maybe you operate a restaurant or service business and have branded merch you can move. We can help retail and service industry businesses with our offerings.

Let’s open up your website store and help move inventory, allow for gift card sales or selling services. Work begins as soon as we get your information completed from a form we send you. You can start selling online in as little as 3 days!

We are offering near cost services to keep us all going.

Online Retail / eCommerce

Have a website?

Do you have an existing website but not a way for customers to buy? We can add a Buy Button and set up your first 5 items that you are ready to sell for only $425. Includes training so you can add more items or edit on your own. The only other cost is a $9 monthly fee. No contract so cancel at any time.

Don’t have a website?

Need a website quickly? We will set up a 1-page site with 5 items to sell for $525.  There is a low monthly service fee of $26-$30 per month (but no contract is needed). Our fee includes training so you can self-manage the webpage going forward! In addition, this single page design may be used to grow your site into multiple pages and we’ll show you how.


Ready to sell online?  Let’s get started!

Want to work with us?

Get in touch